Sunday 28 February 2010

Reservation: Fail


slaggybuttonit said...

More information please

notHamilton said...

You know when you go to a packed bar and the spot a some-how-empty table and then notice the 'Reserved' sign. Well who ever noticed ours chucked it. The bar manager suitably jumped to fix it.
Then on to the restaurant also with reservations and they suggested we split into two groups of four. What?
Got a table in the end but we looked like the bastards who stroll in off the street expecting a table (they couldn't hear the inner voice screaming 'we bloody booked a table').

notHamilton said...

The take home, as usual in London is Lower Your Expectations. Mostly when it comes to public service but it makes city living a lot easier when you expect next to nothing in advance of receiving nothing.

Bubble said...

A stressful meal!! xx

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