Friday 11 September 2009

Equality in Moderation

Recently ordered backpacks, ready for next week’s Italian adventure. Can you guess which one I'll be carrying?
Four years ago, during Kev's first visit to Sydney and very early on in our relationship, he did something totally offensive and upsetting to a blindly independent 22 year old version of me. He carried all the shopping home. How rude indeed.
Obviously things have changed since then, I've managed to find a better balance of 'I can do everything' and 'I can ask for help'. Getting him to carry all '90 litres' of luggage may be swinging in the other direction a bit I admit.


Hayley said...

LOVE IT! :) boys come in handy on the odd occasion aye. Niki totally played the strong man for me on all our trips

Hayley said...

11 days of NotTakenDaily pics eaglery awaited!

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